Transcript for Episode #1 PreEmptive E-commerce Podcast

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The following is a transcript from:
PreEmptive E-commerce Podcast Episode #1: How to Turn Out-of-Stock Inventory into a Profit Generating Tool


Jon Ristaino

Welcome to the Empty podcast, where we chat about cloud based solutions that makes selling your E commerce products easier, more profitable and effective. Today we’re talking about how to turn your out of stock inventory into a profit generating tool. And to do that, we’ve got our E commerce experts from the Emptive team. First up is

David Waterman

He has nearly 25 years of E commerce experience developing shopping and shipping solutions. And he’s the head of sales and partnerships at Emptive. Next up is

Nicole Capozzi

For the last decade, she has managed the design development and deployment of major e commerce selling platforms. And she handles all things customer experience at emptive. And finally, I’m John Carmine, and I’ve been in the development space for the last 13 years. And I’m lead product manager at Emptive. So basically, it comes down to you know, your customer wants to buy a product, but they can’t, because you don’t have any inventory. And there’s all these different reasons as to why you don’t have the inventory, the supply chain that blaming everybody wants to point the finger as the way, but it really doesn’t matter at the end of the day, because your customers want to buy it. And if you don’t have it, they’ll gladly go somewhere else to get it. And the holiday season is notorious for out of stock items, long delays. It’s only been made worse by COVID. So Dave, what is going on in the holiday season. What’s the vibe out there?

David Waterman

Oh, this year is crazy. John, this year is a big one. When I hear it’s a, it’s going to be a since what 1999 It’s gonna have 20 years of growth, we’re going to be at seven to 9% growth, people believe it’s crazy. And it’s amazing. And there’s a lot of pent up demand, they say, especially for certain goods, apparel, luxury jewelry are all strong. And of course, like you just mentioned, there’s gonna be a lot of shortages. Unfortunately, they’re already predicting that there might be there might be inventory, but it’s not going to make it to the shelves in time. I’m sure everybody’s seen the news on that. And I just read the other day. I think a fun anecdote was that the Home Depot, they sold out of their early release a Halloween decorations long before they even plan, which was

Jon Ristaino

no like already in the season before. Yeah,

David Waterman

it wasn’t. It’s not even Halloween. Yeah. The it just is indicator that there’s a huge appetite out there for for these kind of things. And they expect Christmas decorations to be more people just pent up. I mean, I think they’re just tired of sitting around and they want to get out more of a shop and they want to decorate their houses again and kind of get back to some normalcy.

Jon Ristaino

Yeah, I was reading that during COVID. You know, some of the the reasons why there was such an increase in in E commerce sales was because of the people have more time to shop. Yeah, people also had some additional finances from not going out as much not participating in the world and also some of the government subsidy

David Waterman

stimulus, right. Yeah. And then,

Jon Ristaino

you know, we’re seeing that, that that regular demand of normal life is coming back with it.

David Waterman

Yeah, but we’re gonna get some of that heartache to remember when the shelves were empty you and you couldn’t get toilet paper. Yeah, it’s gonna be some of that stuff coming back. We’re just supposed to deliver an hour ago, you go to the website, it just doesn’t even give you an answer. It just says, not even out for delivery. And yet it should have been here a week ago. So well, let’s see, the company’s got to find a way to to get around that frustration. Right, John? I mean, that’s gonna be a disappointing experience. And they’re gonna remember that and they might permanently lose customers over this issue. So it’s a it’s gonna hurt a lot of retailers. They need to get ahead of it.

Jon Ristaino

Yeah, def. Yeah. And I think that’s, you know, that that pairs right into kind of what we’re going to talk about today, which is, how can you kind of get ahead of that and turn that that lack of inventory that you have, or even the unpredictable wait times into sales opportunities. There’s two that were I think two main topics the out of stock notifications with a lot of people probably product and then offering a related product that daisy chains off of out of stock message. So the basic out of stock notification is, you know, customer signs up directly on your site. It says there’s a little button that says this products out of stock, you know, get it get on the waitlist get notified when it comes back in stock, something like that. And then they type in their information and then they should automatically get you know, an email when that stock comes back in there, one, this is kind of a, I think it’s what it’s one of my favorite that a lot of people aren’t doing is offering them a related product notification, which is, hey, you know, you signed up to get this product notification when it comes back in stock. But in the meantime, while you wait, here’s a really great alternative. And Dave, you can talk about this, a lot of customers will have the diverse product line, and they can offer a you know, an additional product that is similar to another one.

David Waterman

That’s right. I mean, let’s, let’s talk about two, there’s some retailers still to this day. I mean, I was just searching, I’m not even searching for holiday, I’m doing some stuff around the house here looking for some product. And I found a bunch of out of stock. There was no, there was no back in stock notification feature. And then I’ve also run into many where I click on the link from Google and the item doesn’t exist, it’s a 404. Or they took the the item down. So there are two huge no no’s. I think in this you want to less than frustration, you know. One is, I mean, first of all, taking it down, right? That’s just, that’s just bad business, because now the customer is gonna keep searching and get more and more frustrated. And we might

Jon Ristaino

all into SEO. I mean, that’s, you know, ripping the link down. They go. It’s not available anymore. Sorry.

David Waterman

We had a customer who did remember, they were still paying Google for the ads. Right? Yeah, people to go there to 404 page. I was like, ouch, double out, doesn’t exist. Yeah, that was that was horrible when they when they realize that they felt foolish. So So that alone would be the first thing. Don’t take an item down. I mean, and second of all, trying to do something. And you’re right, John. So if you have a product, we usually encourages picking, if you have a couple products and different sizes or something trying to offer the other one, I think your idea with the related product is is outstanding, and you need to kind of get rid of the frustration. You want to say, Yeah, I know, we don’t have this, but we have that, you know, and it’s a lot better than just saying, Nope, don’t have it go away. You know, and that’s the part I think of the frustration that the customers are going to remember. They’ll at least like you for recommending something even if they say, well, it wasn’t what I wanted. And also I don’t know about you, but I’ve often bought something. I mean, I’ll confess to this. I’m not gonna say which family member but I bought products that I couldn’t get the real one in time, but I bought once knowing they would return it and they could buy the real one that they wanted. And

Jon Ristaino

I never done that. But

David Waterman

you never done that Oh, come on, is the greatest. Like I got a

Jon Ristaino

feature of a system by this product and have them return it

David Waterman

was like, Oh, I tried I got I got the right one. But knowing I just couldn’t find like they wanted to rent a remember the red iPhones or something like that. Yeah. But it bought I got the pink one. Oh, didn’t you say pink? Shoot. But so related products are really important. And I think, you know, you got to hit this head on, you got to look at your inventory and yet basically got to come up with a plan. That’s really, it doesn’t matter what your plan is. You’ve got to come up with one. And there are a lot of out of stock. Some of them are plugins, some are extensions depends on the shopping cart. But they all there’s a slew of them out there some good and some bad.

Jon Ristaino

Yeah, the list is getting longer now. And after COVID. Yeah, we got we got even he got even longer have tons of features that don’t do much of anything. They all do the same thing.

Benefits & Features of Out-of-Stock Notifications

David Waterman

Right. I mean, the first benefit is they allowed to keep the product on the website, right? I mean, that’s right. So some cases, they’re helping, but they’re not probably doing a good job. And I’ve heard I’ve heard some complaints with some of the ones people using them as they were hard to manage to right. You know, now you got all these people who wants something, what do I do? You know, some of them are just better than others. Some of them will really help you, you know, make that sale, and some of them are just going to help you lessen the frustration, I suppose.

Jon Ristaino

Yeah. And Nicole and I have done tons of research on different ones out there.

David Waterman

And Nicole, could you tell us a little bit about how you guys developed this out of stock module for him? What was the inspiration?

Jon Ristaino

What was the inspiration? Yeah,

Nicole Capozzi

so we we definitely had a lot of requests from our customers that they didn’t just want to have an out of stock message on their product page. You know, on a lot of the product pages you just have, like in red, it’s an out of stock, right? There’s nothing you do on the product. So they wanted us to research a wait-list plugin. So when we did that, like we found a few there really wasn’t that many out there, maybe like this was a few years ago. And so when we installed it, then they wanted us to customize it, there was like, change the button message from add a stock to whatever join the waitlist, or they wanted us to edit opt in consent saying, you know, by putting in your email, you know, you’ll get emails from us, or they wanted us to hide the out of stock button on the shop page, because they don’t want people to see products right away that were out of stock.

Jon Ristaino

Oh, right. Right. Like that’s from the category view, right?

Nicole Capozzi

Yeah. Or they wanted us to have a smart throttling, where, so all the emails wouldn’t go out right away, and then go crash the servers, because that would happen a lot. Like all the , like they would all go out at the same time, everybody would rush to the website, and then the server would crash, or people would all sell out right away. And then people would just still be having their emails coming in. And they would go check it out. But they’re the product would be at out of stock.

Jon Ristaino

yeah, by the time I got there is like, me, yeah.

Nicole Capozzi

And then they wanted to add, like SMS or text to it to, you know, not just have not just to have emails, and really all the plugins that we saw, none of them did all that, or they wanted to have the Google Analytics with it, you know, or they might have wanted to see, like, have an Excel sheet, download something and see, like, what their most popular product was.

Jon Ristaino

oh right almost like, right?

David Waterman

It was, yeah, to customers.

Nicole Capozzi

But yeah, bunch of customers, they might want to see like, what is the number? What is the top five products that are the most wanted? Because then, you know, they could be like, Okay, well, why don’t we stop, we re stock these 1234 and five first before we do the other ones, because, you know, you know, those ones are the most popular?

Jon Ristaino

Yeah. And we ended up taking that even a step further, right? Because a lot of them, like they use these old school inventory systems, they want like an Excel spreadsheet, like a CSV dump of it. But we take it one step further. And with the the integration with the analytics, we show a lot of that data and like really cool graphs, and, you know, it’s, it’s pretty, it’s easy on the eyes, it’s also good information. But some of those people still want it that That’s

Nicole Capozzi

right, or thinks of that else to where it would be like the variations to right, which is like, you know, if we had like, pair gloves, and small, medium, large and one size was, like in stock, a lot of those plugins wouldn’t allow you to have the button on just one variation. It wasn’t set up

Jon Ristaino

like It’s like wouldn’t show anything. Yeah.

Nicole Capozzi


David Waterman

this was all pre COVID? Right? This is all before?

Nicole Capozzi

Yeah, yep. Remember, yeah, so it was hard to find all of all of that

David Waterman

features in one,

Nicole Capozzi

right on one plugin, because that we’d have to have like, I don’t know, a few different plugins, just try to make that work. And we all know, you know, the more plugins you add to your website is not, it’s not a good idea, you know,

Jon Ristaino

rip it all out, and then put another plugin in, just because they want an SMS and one plug in, do SMS, and one did. And then we were like, Okay, we start all over again, and it just became expensive and frustrating,

Nicole Capozzi

right. And then also, to a lot of these plugins, you would have to, like, you can’t just really do all yourself, you have to, like, go find somebody who knows how to customize all these little things to, you know, like, all the extra the button at the Find somebody like change that button. So yeah, that’s why I really think we thought of this, you know, to create something that could be really usable, and really user friendly.

David Waterman

But I think some of the ones that I’ve seen, too, they, you have 100 products that go back and stock and they send out 1000 emails, you know, so you have, like, 900 Pissed off customers, you know, so, there are there’s a lot of features. I mean, we can get into them in here in a little bit. But, you know, with our, our plugin in mind, it’s not a plugin. It’s, it’s a that’s the whole difference, right? It’s not right, built as an offshoot, you could talk a little bit about that. It’s a SAS system. So it kind of keeps the programming off the website. Yeah. I mean, it does does other cool marketing things as well. It’s not just for out of stock, but maybe you could elaborate some of the features.

Jon Ristaino

Yeah, I think some of the cool things about you know, Emptive, is that you know, we like you said we pulled all the programming off of the site that the store the server that the store is running on Right. And that can that frees up a lot of space. For things like, you know, when you’re sending 1000s of messages out, that’s a, those are just task task task task task, and it can slow down the site significantly.

David Waterman

Right in the holiday season, when you need this site to run this, you know, you’re crashing, right.

Jon Ristaino

And unless your hosting provider is set up for that, and I mean, we know some of these hosting providers are like, their lot are not shared, they are shared, they are they aren’t like, Okay, is it shared? Or is it not? And like, what’s happening? Like, why am I getting, you know, why is my speed being cut back?

David Waterman

We know, customers just send newsletters and it slows down their site, right? I mean, can you imagine all the other things that we’re running on? Oh, yeah.

Jon Ristaino

So a lot of times, I think the biggest kickback, obviously, from the newsletter is when it’s all that traffic, right? So you have all that influx of traffic at once. And then

David Waterman

that’s what I mean, is just traffic heavy, right? So you don’t want to slow your site.

How We Built Our System

Jon Ristaino

So we built into our system, a smart throttling feature, we kind of like looked at all like Nicole and I had gone through all these different ones plugins out there that we thought would work. And they they kind of were missing features. And one of the main ones we thought was the related product notification, like we talked about already. And then now this the smart throttling, which is pretty cool. Because it sends the it kind of sits there and analyzes and it it sends the message at like the most optimal time. And so as your inventory levels change, if there’s 5000 people on your list, let’s say you only get 1000 of your inventory. And it’s not going to send out all 5000 . Like a lot of these systems, it’s like bye it dumps your list of 5000. And it’s like,

David Waterman

yes, 5000 people come right back to your site at that moment, get a slow site, and you don’t have that much inventory,

Jon Ristaino

slow site and they’re there, they get a back in stock when the patient comes back up. But they have to sign back up for the notification. Oh, yeah, I’m sure they’re just kind of like creates this like this loop. So we kind of built it where it’s sort of smart. And it’ll throttle out a certain number of notifications over time, also analyzing the amount of inventory. So it’s kind of like a flow, and then it will continue to send out at a staggering pace until your inventory goes out, or the list is empty. And there are some customizations where you can tweak that. I learned another big thing is the direct integration, to send SMS messages, and email messages. And I think that that’s something that Nicole and I found, a lot of them didn’t do both. And if they did do both, it was sort of this convoluted process of like you had now you have to find a sender, now you have to hook up a phone number. Now you have to like manage that manage the transactional SMS. And it just sort of like kept adding layers. And so with our system, the customer can choose you as the store owner can choose to if you just want to do email, or just you can do either work yeah, or the customer can pick and they can type whichever they want inside the box, it says enter your email or SMS or phone number. And it will then the system picks it up.

Jon Ristaino

It’s smart it dumped it into the right list. And we’ll send the right notification when the time comes. Smart to where, you know, emails include images and SMS we don’t, and there’s a couple of reasons why we don’t include the image and SMS right now reduces the risk of being flagged as spam, significantly cheaper for our customer, because the MMS multimedia messages with that send over as a text message are more expensive. So we found the the ROI is it’s better right now until MMS is more popular to only do text.

Stats on Out-of-Stock Notifications

David Waterman

Well. Yeah, let’s talk about that because we I’m from the customer side, I mean, not the technical point, but I know that a couple of customers had incredibly high ROI rates for email, I would have expected that for text. Let’s be honest, over the more but the email rates were very high, not only and not only did they come back, I see one of them had what 10% month over month. I mean it wasn’t just one month and it wasn’t a holiday just out of the out of stock items right when they came back in. Yep, I thought it was I don’t remember. But I remember the I remember the meeting what was the percent we had? It was

Jon Ristaino

Oh which time? So yeah, so I think

David Waterman

it was the July meeting. We were

Jon Ristaino

some of that the highest for the the related product notifications, especially for SMS could be upwards. I mean, into the 20 percents.

David Waterman

Wow. Yeah thats amazing, the related we’re okay. So let me just break that down. Right. There was the there was the emails that went out just on the out of stock Those were were actually opened at what 80%? Or some crazy number?

Jon Ristaino

Oh, yeah, the open rate is even higher. I mean, the Convert I’m within the conversion and

David Waterman

variety, right, then the conversion. And then on the kicker, if they didn’t have the item, they were referred a 5%. Lift and just people who are being referred right i, right.

Jon Ristaino

Oh, see. Okay. So yeah, for the related product notifications, you know, you sign up for one product, and you get related another,

David Waterman

those buy that 5% 5%,

Jon Ristaino

which is really important, though, when you think about all of that 5%, how many are new customers were and what we find is that oftentimes, new customers will fill these out more frequently, because they feel like they don’t have a connection with the store. And that brand already. So it’s kind of like you pass a shop. And you’re and you take a flyer with you because you might never see them again. Well, on your walk. Where

David Waterman

if you’re here, yeah, yeah, it’s pretty cool.

Jon Ristaino

But with returning customers, it’s still high. But it’s, you know, the new customers is significantly higher.

David Waterman

Well, that’s what they want is the new customer to right you wouldn’t want. Especially if they just landed on your site, it’s out of stock, they’re gone. They’re never coming back, you know what I mean? So you want them to, you know, be engaged and come back and eat or recommend something else? Because maybe they didn’t really care if it was read, and you have a blue one, right? Or you know, exactly. I mean, yeah, that’s I imagine, in their case, they had lots of other alternatives. Sometimes you don’t have an alternative. And I get that. But if you have something like it, I mean, you can, you can sell the item that has been sitting there. I know, like some years they have models, right? Last year model and this year’s model, and if you can’t get this year’s, you can still sell out the ones that never sell, Well, now’s a chance to sell them with the referring referring that product.

Jon Ristaino

And some product lines, it works better. With it doesn’t work for every product line. But for a lot. I mean, I’ve even had the conversation about people like, oh, I sell custom art or custom pieces. And I think it works even better for things like that. Because because it’s custom really one. Oh, I mean, you know, you have an art piece that might have like a, it’s not the same piece. But you’re looking for an art piece, it doesn’t doesn’t necessarily matter if it’s a painting, or a vase, if you want that style, you want that essence. And the artist is like, Oh, I have something that like might might fill that void, like my might get that feeling that you have. Yeah, so it’s not always an exact, it doesn’t have to be an exact match it can be it can fill whatever void that customer is looking for.

David Waterman

Gotcha. I guess it can also tell you what the consumer demand is right? A product that you might be out of stock and see that you got 500 people signed up for you damn well, better go to the store, or, you know what I mean? Again, maybe it can help give you some indications of how, what you could have done if you had more than how many you need buy to replace it, you know, and

Jon Ristaino

definitely in predicting, you know, what inventory levels you’ll need. By pulling out the, the, the archival data, you can even estimate how many of those you’ll sell. So, you know, you might have 1000 or less, but we have some pretty good data that will tell you that, that ROI for that product.

David Waterman

Yeah, I want to touch on that. Because that’s another new thing. I mean, I know you worked hard on that. And a lot of these other plugins may not have that some may have statistics, but you guys have some pretty crazy statistics going on.

Jon Ristaino

Yeah, yeah, the way we we kind of pull data about each individual product, we treat every variation like a campaign. And so we kind of like follow along each campaign. And then we bundle the campaign information for product variations, like T shirts, and you know, things that have multiple sizes or colors. But you can also break it down per product variation to

David Waterman

Oh, that’s cool.


Q & A About Empitve Stock and Inventory Notification Platform

Jon Ristaino

Yeah. And then you can see what the conversion rate is for those individual products, and there’s individual variations. And that’s kind of where some of the predicting can happen by you know, looking at those numbers and kind of have a good estimate estimation on on what’s going to happen with the inventory.

David Waterman

Well, that might be a good segue to bring Colin because she’s deals directly with some of the actual customers and yeah, their products and Nicole, are you still there?

Nicole Capozzi

I’m still here.

Jon Ristaino

Hello. Where’s your where’s your microphone?

Nicole Capozzi

Oh, hold on. I’ve been waiting for it. Um, so I think I will do we’re doing our research. I see how we could you know, have more better advantages to Emptive. Does it integrate with Google Analytics? I know a lot of times with plugins that we were researching, you know, they didn’t do any of that, you know. So does Emptive do that?

Jon Ristaino

yeah, yeah. And so that’s a lot of our the analytics that we’re kind of like talking about there we’re using Google Analytics. And we’re, we have our own analytics. And then we kind of like pull info from Google. I know, Google can be the devil, but it also has great information. And so we kind of use a hybrid of that, and also some information from the users store, because we pull all those products over via an API. So we kind of know inventory. We know products, we know when it gets updated all that stuff. And then we mix it with the analytics.

David Waterman

What other comments do we get on our site? We got?

Nicole Capozzi

Well, one of the one I was thinking was I, if does it work on variation, so say we have um t shirts, right, we have a I think we kind of touched on this, but we have a small, medium large, right? And then yeah, well, medium are in stock. But like the large is out of stock, will we get like a out of stock Request button for maybe the large? Yeah, that’s not.

Jon Ristaino

Yeah, I did. So yes. Yeah. And it depends on the different the store, whether it’s like a radio button, or like whatever their option a some sort of like default, select a variation.

David Waterman

Some sorts of old show one if it’s out of stock, right. So

Jon Ristaino

right, right. Yeah. But yeah, ours works off of whatever that variations statuses if it has like an Add to Cart button, did the stock our stock notifications won’t show. So if it doesn’t, because of a reason of like, no inventory it’ll show though the waitlist. But so yeah, it works well on variations.

David Waterman

Oh, cool.

Nicole Capozzi

Um, I think another one was, can you set a minimum stop before the notifications are sent out? Which I think is some other questions people would want to know?

Jon Ristaino

Oh, like a Thresh? Yeah. So we have thresholds in two places. So there’s the product level where thresholds live. Well, just let me All right, let me step back. So a threshold is like, you have a list, let’s say a list that has like, you know, 500 people on it, and your inventory, you get like three or four in and you update your system, still, you can set a threshold, even before the auto throttling happens that it won’t do anything, it won’t send any messages. And I’m trying to think the best example of this is like, you get like a couple in and you’re like waiting. So you kind of save up, you want to wait till you get 10 in before you drop your list, or I don’t know, any number. And you can set them at the product level individually or globally, for your store. So global wins, and then if the product has won, then it wins. And it defaults to that. And the higher the order of the hierarchy, if that makes sense. I know. I just I got I rambled.

Nicole Capozzi

And let me think of something else, um, can you change the message on the buttons, I mean, a lot of those plugins, normally were very hard. And you would have to get a developer to like, change it in the code to like, put, you know, change a message. And I believe with our system, you can do whatever you want.

Jon Ristaino

Yeah, yeah, you can put whatever text you want in there, you know, to a certain amount of characters for shrink down. And you can also something we also added in was the ability to add

Nicole Capozzi

an option, right?

Jon Ristaino

Yeah. Yeah. What does I’m like, what is it called the opt in consent message? Yeah, wherever that is the checkbox that says I opt in to receive, you know, legal jargon, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so we have, we do have that you can customize the message as well and make it mandatory to check before they submit their information.

Nicole Capozzi

Right. That’s all the questions I could think of right now. Yeah, I mean, what the researchers probably so many more, you know, the list goes on.

Jon Ristaino

Dave, you have anything? Well, yeah,

David Waterman

I was one thing I think we might not know, touch on is the one I think it’s one box right for both email and SMS because I’ve seen some that have Yeah. Right. So it’s kind of clever. You can type either one into the box and then except right, it’s either or,

Jon Ristaino

it’s either or the our client can decide the shop owner can decide if they just want to do one or the other text, or email or they can let the customer decide, and they can the boxes one box and you enter an either or. And it works.

David Waterman

Is there any? So far, you know, just from use any ideas when you’d want to do either /or , or is it just more of a personal preference? Or?

Jon Ristaino

Yeah, so I think it’s something that some of the research on giving customers, the choice of things. We have some some promising stats that would suggest that when you give the the option to choose, in that sense, between SMS and text message, they tend to use it more. And so that’s kind of where that’s one of the angles that we’ve kind of been playing around with, and trying to collect the data to back that up is when they have the option to choose

David Waterman

to be the so you’re saying I think you said both. But you mean like between email and SMS, you’re finding that if given the option, those pick the SMS? Yeah.

Jon Ristaino

Well, no, not just that. They’ll also fill the form out more. Oh, I see. Yeah. So if you’re like, enter your email, just for email, but if it says enter your email, or your phone number, you’re like, Okay, I get to choose like the sounds. It’s like inviting them to make a decision. And not just asking them for something.

David Waterman

I can tell you, I’m just so tired if you ask for an email, so I can see, yeah, we’re gonna get burned out on that. Yeah.

Emptive Integrations with Customer Relationship Management Systems CRM

Jon Ristaino

And something I don’t want to forget is that we have some pretty cool integrations with some CRMs out there. Klaviyo, SendinBlue, MailChimp that you know, to brand your emails to brand, your stock messages, and also even use, your sender of some of our enterprise customers, we integrate directly with Klaviyo. So you can continue to use your own sending domain and your own branding your own messages and track and see your stats in Klaviyo, too.

David Waterman

Yeah, that’s huge. Yeah, you don’t want it outside of that. That’s a whole other. Yeah. Yeah. See that being an important selling point.

Jon Ristaino

really good. Yeah, we can wrap it up. And, you know, we’ll be back with more. Thank you, all the listeners, all the millions of listeners out there for hanging out with us. And we’ll be back with more cloud based solutions that makes selling your e-commerce products a bit easier. Until next time, thanks.

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