Transcript for Episode #10 PreEmptive E-Commerce Podcast

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The following is a transcript from:
PreEmptive E-commerce Podcast Episode #10: – Augmented Reality isn’t Virtual Reality: How augmented reality is shaking up industries

Jon Carmine 0:03

Welcome to the Emptive podcast, where we chat about cloud based solutions that make selling your E commerce products easier, more profitable and effective. In this episode, we’re talking everything augmented reality, how it’s very different from virtual reality, despite often being lumped together. We’ll discuss some of the ways it’s being used today, but also some of the adoption barriers that come with it. And finally, we’ll end on where AR is going in the future and how it can contribute to information overload. I think we’re gonna talk a little bit about some of the comparing them a little bit. And then most of the episode we’re going to spend on augmented reality, which is, I think, a place where we kind of think there’s more, yeah, there’s more traction. I’m sure we’ll be proved wrong. And like 100 years.

David Waterman 0:48

well, there’s more hype on VR, but I think AR is going to Yeah, so we can go in. I mean, you know, I love VR. So I’m on it. Yeah.

Jon Carmine 0:56

Well, so you’re actually somebody who uses it,

David Waterman 0:58

actually, user Yeah, which you wouldn’t think but.

Jon Carmine 1:02

so the main difference between augmented reality and virtual reality is augmented reality presents in the real world, but also in an augmented virtual world.

Virtual reality is completely immersive. You know, wearing those, those goggles, your sometimes you have headphones on, you’re completely in it and immersed in that world. Whereas augmented reality is you’re walking through the world, you’re experiencing the world, and then you’re having this other content be be mixed in those.

David Waterman 1:40

There’s a little with virtual your walk, you can move, you know, in your movements are captured in the real world, but they’re translated into the virtual world, right? So you really are immersed in it, you can’t separate them.

Jon Carmine 1:54

Right? And so what are some things that VR is is great for?

David Waterman 1:59

Oh, it’s, it’s an it’s a Well, again, because you’re immersed in something. So it’s great for education, for example, you know, and exploration of things, you know, you want to go to the space station, or you want to go down in the volcano or, you know, so I think some of those things are really incredible. And also to good storytelling, because, you know, you hear things you see things, things jump out at you. And so I think some people use it for adventure, you know, doing things. There’s one coming out or just came out where they’re rock climbing, I’m afraid to even watch that one. I mean, I did the guy free free climbs. And it’s, you know, knees up the entire face of this thing. And they did it in VR. I just, I’m almost afraid to actually watch that one.

Jon Carmine 2:45

Because that documentary of that makes me sick. The free the free climbing one.

David Waterman 2:50

Yeah, that’s the same, what’s the same thing, but now they did it with VR, which would make it so you could turn around and look how it looks?

Jon Carmine 2:58

On my stomach. Yeah, I watch Amazing Race now. Like the older I get, when I was early, I didn’t even care about stuff like that. The older I get, now I watch Amazing Race, and I get sick when they like do like, you know, something that’s on top of a building, right?

David Waterman 3:11

It’s, it’s insane. I, and you actually feel like you’re gonna fall, it does trick your mind, your mind is easily tricked. So everybody thinks, oh, I’m a tough guy, and it’s not going to happen to me, you’ll get either nauseous, or you might feel like falling. And I’ve seen like my sister almost fell over a few times when she tried it. So. But the problem is, it’s very singular. Still, I don’t know how much they hype up. I mean, I even saw it on the news again, this morning, there must be some connection between CBS and Facebook or something because they were doing the meta, you know, we’re all in the meta, and we’re trying to make it sound like it’s a group thing. And I get it, we’re getting there. But it is not. I can tell you, there’s very few games that are really for two or more players. You know, there’s some like golf and stuff that you can get. And a lot of the interaction or exploratory things are all singular. So if you do education, as far as I know, I mean, I’m saying that in general terms, so there’s probably someone out there.

Jon Carmine 4:09

it’s starting, but not you’re saying that like the bulk of it isn’t as developed as the singular player.

David Waterman 4:15

And I think for education, that’s a slight problem that they’re finding out, you know, the kid puts the, you know, depends on the age, but they put the device on their head, and now they’re completely out of the classroom. Well, that’s but they’re also away from teachers and people, you know what I mean there, right,

Jon Carmine 4:29

which is good for some some educational things, like we’re saying at the start, but not for others. What I’m curious about, but I don’t want to I won’t go too far off on topic, but I’m curious when we were talking about like the heights, and I’m really curious what will happen to some of the younger generations who are exposed to some of the, like, extreme physicalities of heights and acrobatics, like whatever, you know, like what, how will that how will that come out in the real world?

David Waterman 4:58

That’s a great question

Jon Carmine 4:58

Like you think your instincts are telling you not to do something right. And in that world,

but in this world, it’s truly right.

David Waterman 5:07

Yeah, I mean, how do you learn to dive in, we can go off on that subject, you know, but to dive off of a, you know, 30 foot, you know, and do a dive into a pool, what’s the first you have to work your way up to that, but imagine if you started where you could actually watch somebody do it, and you freefall and get the moves down. Maybe you just eliminated, you know, weeks and weeks of training, because you can kind of accelerate it. One of the problems with VR before we go, though, is the, the hands, they’re not the whole movement thing is still I think, you know, you have controllers, and yet some of them are hands free, but they’re not really good. And if I was to hand you something, or you were to grab something, I tried to like the space station, you try to grab and pull yourself along. And it’s a little bit cumbersome. So when they get that worked out, I think it’ll make you know, a lot of these things easier, especially for younger children. It’s the need to have controllers still is a something that’s holding that industry back, but I’m sure they’re really working on it. There are some hands free ones now.

Jon Carmine 6:12

Yeah, and even some of the cameras they can 3d render of your your hands, they can sit you don’t need gloves anymore, almost. But you remember the old rumble packs for 64 You’re gonna have them for your fingers to get the tactile feeling they’re getting.

But so

the AR world augmented reality is, is different.

David Waterman 6:37

Still combined them but they’re not they’re totally different. Yeah, yeah.

Jon Carmine 6:40

Yeah, I don’t know why we lump them together, maybe because their names are similar.

So augmented reality, essentially, like it alters your perception of the reality around you by adding 3d objects, sounds haptic feedback, video graphics into our world, the real world. And it’s sort of like the this merge something very important

about this is 3d rendering. And it’s something that’s kind of like, I feel like it’s, it’s not what you first think about when you think of augmented reality, but you need 3d renderings. Right? Right. So, and the the device that you’re using right now, it’s traditionally a mobile phone, that mobile phone needs also understand where you are in space, and time and give a 3d rendering of your

environment, you know, computer vision mixed with machine learning.

It’s kind of how that’s done. And some of the hardware that that you’re you’re gonna hear a lot about, are things like a LIDAR sensor, which is a light detection and ranging system. It’s kind of similar to a little bit like regular radar or sonar, but it uses lights from lasers, and it bounces those off of objects, and basically how they return is the distance and the shape and they kind of maps in

a 3d model of something. Now, a lot of Apple devices have the LIDAR sensors in them now and some Andreu Android do as well. However, androids kind of doing it a little bit differently. Now. They it’s kind of one blob that shines a light of one blob, whereas

Yeah, apples Lidar is pretty cool. It almost sounds like a grid of dots. And so it’s getting more of those mapping points. I’m sure androids gonna, you know, I’m sure there are devices now.

David Waterman 8:49

Key, right? I remember doing that with the, with the medical devices for VR, you have to know exactly the key points to map that in that case, you have to be exact, they can’t just project it. They actually measure Oh, yeah. And that it’s the same concept.

Jon Carmine 9:01

Yeah, for sure. And then.

And so the how you get 3d renderings is that’s going to be a new how to where do companies get their 3d renderings? How do they get them done? What kind of rendering do they have?

And right now, there’s kind of a couple main ones out there CGI modeling

photogrammetry, which is a cylindrical area of cameras that that captures a device.

David Waterman 9:36

Okay, yeah, that’s what I was referring to that right, the rotating camera thing that goes around yeah.

Jon Carmine 9:41

And then laser scanning, I guess similar to later on.

David Waterman 9:44

It’s just a side note. I remember when if you look up AR and early days people a lot of times they say well there was AR when you know Shopify added 3d And I’m like, Well, how does that but I guess what they were trying to say is that was some of the stepping stones towards having real AR

So you got to start with the 3d models, and you have to show them. So it makes sense now that I think about it.

Jon Carmine 10:06
And you can lay these devices like how they’re being used now in some capacity

in shopping, and we’re gonna get to that a little bit

later on is laying, you can see the products in your space. But so what are some uses now that people might recognize that aren’t or that have been used for a while?

David Waterman 10:28

I think the biggest one would be the football, right? The where the the, you see the TV of the yellow line of the first down the line.

And race cars, I think they follow you around the track.

Things of that nature, those those have been out for a while they’re overlaying on a you know, in a video, but I think it’s same kind of technology. They have to know where they’re the plot, you know, the exact line is

in the space, and the pilots are using it. We know that for the military, you’ve seen that they have that’s been going back aways, right. Yeah, heads up display and fighter jets. But then I think most modern aircraft now come equipped with it. I’m not an expert in that area. But I know, the newer, more popular in the commercial airlines, especially for landings and takeoffs and wind shear. And so

education is huge. I really love I’ve been watching and fascinated by one of my favorites was

the simplest thing in the world. I wish I would have thought they took cue cards of the

elements static Periodic Table Table, but they just took elements of cue cards. So people would study the cue cards and go, what’s that element? What’s this? Well, they actually put them alive in a sense where you could, if you put two of the cards together, they would combine to make you know, like h2o, you know, and it would become water. And then you separate it. So the students could get a really good idea of well, what elements go together? What did they create? I have to believe that if they had that one I was, you know, in school, I would have been able to pass chemistry. That was an amazing use of it. And there’s other ones like that, where they’re just simple objects, but they’re teaching kids things. Surgeries becoming I know, we’ve talked about knee surgery before and some other things where robots and stuff but they’re all using AR. And of course, like you mentioned some shopping, there’s some examples of that, you know, how to look at my house, stuff like that.

Jon Carmine 12:28

Right? Right. So and sometimes I think that the shopping space has not come fully around yet. And you’re gonna hear us say this throughout the episode.

The way that we view AR content with our phones is not

it’s not working. Right, it works. But it’s not the best application of it. And I think that that’s sometimes a problem. But for some shopping now, you know, what we’re seeing is that people are able to see a product in their space in their home and get a pretty good idea of the scale and the size of it and the color sort of you know, sometimes the colors a little bit weird depending on the screen and like, I think that’s an area that will improve down the road. But

you are able to get a pretty good idea of something and kind of see it in your house and how it will look and enough to bridge the gap. It’s still though, but yeah, yeah, I think a little bit of a novelty. I think in some areas, it’s becoming more and more popular.

Explicit specifically in the retail world for

cosmetics and makeup. Clothing, too. You can try some videos on but the cosmetics industry has done a fair amount, a lot of these filters on Instagram, Pinterest,

David Waterman 13:56

can you imagine if you had to try all those different shades on you? I mean, it’s so hard but if you really want to see what you would look like with this particular shade of something I could see instantly being with

Jon Carmine 14:07

somebody used to sit there in like JC Penney’s or Macy’s or straw bridges and put the makeup on somebody

David Waterman 14:13

that’s correct and the other ones some of the all the apps that I’ve downloaded are clunky, hard to use not think that the end result wasn’t good, but I think in makeup, they’ve really refined that. And I’ve I’ve seen examples where it blows me away. So

Jon Carmine 14:29

yeah, some of the new Instagram ones are pretty crazy to literally hair dye and stuff like Walmart had one out for hair dye. IKEA has done a ton with obviously furniture do furniture, right? I

David Waterman 14:41

mean the the cosmetic industry is huge, and it has a lot of money and weight and it’s really doesn’t get talked about that much. So we’ve even talked about that before that I think they’re going to probably push this industry. You know more so than say furniture, you know, which is good. I think furniture is a great app.

occasion for it too. But I don’t see it as much as

Jon Carmine 15:00

Yeah. And Nike had a cool one, they did a lens with Snapchat where you could try on Air Force ones. But yeah, and they wonder my son didn’t try that. He may have, right, he might have Snapchat, but I didn’t know if he that would be something he’d be interested in. And they also have a Nike has an app to where you can like get your shoe size, and all sorts of stuff and pick out shoes, using some augmented reality. So I think that that area is going to keep expanding a little bit and

the curiosity of the consumer, I think will, will drive some of that we don’t really know where it’s gonna go yet. But it’s definitely happening happening.

David Waterman 15:41

It’s happening in industry, and you just don’t hear about it. Right. So that’s what I think the secrets are military and industry. And I’ll give you some examples. When I was doing some research there was done on the call doubles. I took notes on it, Jon, we, I couldn’t remember I couldn’t find him for this, this podcast, but the concept was, there’s an I’m just gonna use oil drilling in the mid Atlantic, I have no idea where it was. But there were parts that you know, that needed to be fixed or broken, but might be 1000 feet down in the water, right. But then somebody, an engineer in an office somewhere else could be working on a double. So they would actually double the equipment. And then they would use the Augmented Reality to actually work on items that are far away either through robotics, you know, I’m not exactly sure how but it made perfect sense, because they’re using an exact double of the 3d model. So you can actually work on one thing, it could be in space. So I imagined, like maybe NASA, the Mars Rover, somewhere, somebody figured that out. And it’s a great concept, that how they actually deploy it, whether it’s robotics, or whatnot, the idea was, I have an exact double, I can actually fix a problem while I’m on Earth for something that’s in space. And it yeah, pretty amazing.

Jon Carmine 17:01

Well, also to like, if you in terms of like,

a very specialized area of like an engineer who works on a very specific type of something in dams or something in electro magnetic power, or like, you know, somebody like a very specialized field, you can have somebody out there who can be the moving parts of the hands, and then you can have somebody somewhere else using telling you what to do. Yeah, lay it over for the person who’s actually doing it. And so, you know, it changes the way of remote tech support, but in not just incredible ways

David Waterman 17:36

Yeah. I mean, so I think industry is just quiet about it. I don’t think they talk about it, brag about it, you don’t see news reports on it, but I think is going on all the time, for these very expensive, complicated things that that are hard to either get to, or, you know, your engineers in one country with the product is in another how is he going to fix it right, just like you said, yeah, yeah.

Jon Carmine 17:58

And essentially, like transcending distance and time,

David Waterman 18:02

distance and time. In some respect. That’s exactly what they say it’s transcending distance and time.

Jon Carmine 18:07

And it can also AR can also connect people

a little bit more engaging, I think, then, I’m sure somebody can prove me wrong. But then then VR, because I think the really good example is Pokemon Go like that just like broke so many records on how many people purchased it, or downloaded it.

And it was interesting, because it like kinda like brought people out of their houses and like, into different spaces, and it was sort of interactive with the community. But it was kind of interesting to see, like, everyone’s like, looking down at their phone, like walking around. And that’s gonna, that will lead us into the next thing that we’re going to talk about is that there are sort of some problems with, you know, we the way we get the way we view the content and why we aren’t seeing an explosion of it. You’re gonna cover that right.

David Waterman 18:57

Yeah, I think you just nailed the first one really, is the fact of viewing it on your phone. You know, and I don’t mean to, for people who work in this industry. I’m not really dogging on it, but it isn’t. It isn’t. We all know it’s a stepping stone, right? We all kind of see it coming either on glasses, which is a normal thing for I’m wearing them right now. Right? Or maybe it’s a heads up display in my car. But the fact of the phone is probably not the number, but that’s where most of the development was, and still is in a sense. And like I said, I don’t think the experience is good. So that’s, that’s, to me, that’s holding the industry down. Right. I think the industry is going to change the entire workforce, but it won’t when it’s on the phone. That’s just my prediction. It will when it gets to something like common glasses that don’t cost $1,300 or $3,000. Yep, you know, the expensive glasses are holding it back.

Jon Carmine 19:52

And that’s I think one of the challenges of it right now. Is you know, we need something that is going

to connect more with our, the way we’re built, like the biology of a human, and like, the form factor now is just a problem. Like, you know, think pokemons go if you had some sort of glasses or some sort of device that you were able to just see it and you your hands were free, and you could walk around, it would completely change the experience and make it so much better.

David Waterman 20:24

Yeah, well, that’s the thing. How do you control it is one of the other things right? That’s the I think another one of the was a flaws with the phone issue is what are you tapping?

Jon Carmine 20:33

And it just yeah, you have a screen? On your eye?

David Waterman 20:37

You kind of I mean, are you going to use voice? Or how are we going to, you know, what would you say to it to make it do different things? Right. So

Jon Carmine 20:48

yeah, and I think when you put it on your face, and you have glasses or something like that, you do lose some of that touch capability in the same way that you can touch a screen. So the gesture base, you know, like waving your hand in the well.

David Waterman 21:01

The other thing, though, is when you one reason why on the glasses works is because wherever you look, is where your attention is, where’s the phone, I could be having the phone over here, but looking over here, right? You know, or get hit by a car, because I’m looking at my phone ,

Jon Carmine 21:17

there are some crazy stories, you’re like walking off

David Waterman 21:19

walking off a cliff.

So to me, the glasses have to be the next just because it will prevent a lot of those things now and but I think you can it can see your face, your voice is right here. Your gestures, as you pointed out, you know, and we have this hands thing we were just talking about with, with Vr as well. If I graphs grasp a tool, will it let me grasp it and you know, show the tool? Those kinds of things. I think we’re really going to make the whole genre explode. You know why, but

it’s still in its infancy.

Jon Carmine 21:53

I think there’s some some interesting,

we can kind of see a little bit of this in in the wearables market. You have the Apple Watch. And before that you had a lot of the wristbands and the Fitbit.

David Waterman 22:08

Fitbit craze. Yeah.

Jon Carmine 22:10

And they’re all still around. And I think an example of one that I think has done it a bit better, in my opinion, this is purely opinion based.

Is your for you to say it’s your Yeah, I mean, they have the ring that and it sort of disappears, like I stopped wearing my Apple Watch. Because even though the Apple Watch is small and pretty, it’s not very invasive. One, I don’t want the notifications, I don’t I don’t want that. But I do want the biometrics I do want all that information. So I think it’s interesting how like, the ring sort of melts away, you know, I wear

I wear it almost everywhere, it’s not like something I have to really think another layer. So I thought that they kind of in changing the form factor from a risk device to a ring.

Not only is it shrinking in size, but it’s also I think making it a little easier to integrate it into your life. And I think AR has to be more easily integrated into our lives.


David Waterman 23:09

it has to somehow change our lives. So like maybe for example, if every car now started coming out with heads up display, people would start to say, Oh, I could see this changing my life. It’s gonna change their life in the work force, probably before it doesn’t their personal life. That’s my that’s my take, right? Things are going to change the way you do work, how you do things, they would probably have the devices before it became a personal device. But if they can find a good, like shopping, we were saying if they could find a really good reason for a personal use, well, then then it becomes a neck and neck race and we might see more personal use.

I just don’t see it as much like we brought up fixing, fixing a TV I was brought up the other day, right? I said don’t throw away your your widescreen TV most of the time. It’s either the power supply or the motherboard, one of them fries because of lightning, right? It’s like the most common thing. They’re easy to change. But most people how do you get to it? What are the screws and the components and finding it? Now if you had a pair of VR glasses, and you can fix almost any TV, right, and I would think people would use it for fixing their plumbing.

Jon Carmine 24:17

Well yeah, you’re gonna like the content creators like just how like now there’s the you know, YouTube and Google home. Yeah, he’s just like, see find on YouTube where they show you how to do it. Yep, it’s going to be that but with an augmented reality. We don’t know what that application or that framework looks like yet, but it was

David Waterman 24:36

you ever tried to fix something with the YouTube you’re like, you’re holding the thing you’re looking at it? So that’s what I mean it we think can bridge that with the glasses. Just show me the part it lights up and says take this out, you know, and then maybe it says, Oh, you need a new replacement. Let me Oh, hit Add to Cart and I just wow, I just ordered it. It’ll be here tomorrow. That would be that’s not the YouTube experience. I can tell you I have.

no just playing it in my I would be helpful.

Jon Carmine 25:04

Video would be helpful. I don’t hold it

that can segue into where we’re going with, you know, with augmented reality and and the danger how does it fit? Yeah, how does it fit into information overload? I know we talk about information overload and decision fatigue for people, you know, how does it fit in to that?

David Waterman 25:25

Well, first of all, I think VR is it was just gonna bring it back for a second vr Virtual Reality, probably, as much as it sounds people’s like, well, you’re, you’re thrown into this virtual environment, I actually think it’s more relaxing, because you close out the real world, you don’t get the notifications in your emails not going off in the phone’s not going right, you’re kind of immersed in something. And it might be challenging or interesting, and your mind is focused on it, but you’re not getting an information overload. So in my book, VR gets an A plus for information overload, it does not cause it, not

Jon Carmine 25:59

unless you’re walking around a cliff.

David Waterman 26:02

Now, AR on the other hand, I think, is a candidate waiting for information overload with problems. And one of the things they they say is you could shove so much information that a person.

So there’s some examples where you take one of the provinces, you take away all that information, you have to add some intelligence in to say, so I’ll give you the great example. They say like, so you go to the Control screen of a nuclear power plant, you remember, you know, you see screens everywhere, and everything’s going on. And they’re using those screens to monitor temperature, this that the other thing, well, in a way, they could have glasses that would just alert them, hey, temperature went up, and you don’t need all those screens. And that’s what they’re going to try to reduce is get rid of screens and, and put more heads up displays and things of that nature, when it’s important. What did I just say? It has to be able to filter out what’s important. It can’t take all those screens and just shove them in my eye. That’s the opposite, right? It’s so there’s a little bit of built in intelligence and filtering the data before presented to you. Because Can you imagine your heads up display in your car, just Oh, email came in Bing Bing, but you know, it would just be now you’d crash in the car? The minute because too much information. So

Jon Carmine 27:14

Well, yeah. Or when you’re, you know, walking around on the street, you talk about like points of interest, what, you know, you have all these things popping up, you’re in New York City or Philadelphia, and you’re you’re walking around, and all these things are coming up, ever try that. It’s crazy, isn’t it? It’s, uh, you need some sort of recommendation system, at the end of the day, like it comes back to some sort of recommendation system that knows you something that would filter it and where you’re at? Yes.

David Waterman 27:40

Again, you don’t want to see coffee shops? Why are they popping up all over the place? Right, you know, I mean, some of them are ads, too, right?

Jon Carmine 27:48

Yeah, and some of it can add value, I think that that’s something too, like, it can also make you less distracted. I think like one of the things I think about is like when you’re at the gym, and people are like always on their phone, like their heads always down there. And they’re looking at their phone, maybe they’re changing their music, or they’re looking, they’re looking at their workout routine or something. If you could get people off of that, and they were using, they had augmented reality, they could see their workout as they went and get the things that they need it to do it right, but they wouldn’t be on their phone. So it could be safer.

But the flip side of that is in any of these instances, it can be the exact opposite. It can just be another layer of distraction. And then you have people just blankly staring into space, where they’re not they’re actually looking at something augmented reality. So like, it’s,

David Waterman 28:35

well, it has to provide relevant and accurate information, or it’s just not even.

Good, good example might be, you know, like, we were saying the car, you were saying, walking, what else would there be right, you know, in the work environment. So how do we get more concentrated information, more recommended information to be displayed so that we don’t have the information overload, right. So I think that’s the magic, the technology is not going to do it. The technology can throw everything at you. We need some ways of refining that information.

Jon Carmine 29:10

And there’s actually a little bit of this happening in the manufacturing and packaging supply world where yeah, there they have the VR glasses, and they’re getting the information that they need for, for filling boxes and order fulfillment on the glasses, and unable to like move through. You’re not like stopping to look, you can reach for it. It knows what aisle you’re in, it knows where you’re at. And that’s starting. I’ve heard some some whispers of that and some stuff.

And again, it’s only showing you what you need, right then you don’t need to see every single item on that list. Maybe you just need to see a piece of it. So cut down on the information overload.

David Waterman 29:50

Yeah, to me. It’s a danger. It doesn’t mean that so I’m gonna give it a C B. Because it could go either direction, right? I don’t think It

depends if I have a sudden I have my email popping up and SMS text messaging, and then I have, you know, something my stocks go up here. I mean, if it’s all in my glasses, well, what did I solve? I got nothing I got, you know, more chaos, not less.

Jon Carmine 30:15

Yeah, I mean, now people are it’s just as dangerous, I suppose Well, I guess time will tell if it’s just as dangerous. But how many people are distracted with accidents looking at their phone? Like?

David Waterman 30:24

I mean, how many apps are on the phone? How many am I going to shove into my goggles or glasses or whatever, and then it’s just going to be worse. So it has to be have to have some controls and refinement to it. But you’re absolutely right.

Jon Carmine 30:36

It’s so what, um, like some future applications, we’ve talked about a little bit of luck, but maybe like, looking out into the world and dreaming into

this, like, what are what are we saying, we talked about a little bit about like the industrial,

David Waterman 30:54

I think industries, huge industry, that’s gonna be major. And that’ll be probably where it’ll really impact people’s lives, just because their jobs will change. You know, they talked about when a manager walking down an aisle of a manufacturing facility, he doesn’t have to stop and ask anybody things could just pop up as he walks along, you know, are you running up to speed is the machine need oil? You know, I mean, all kinds of things, right? sensors that they can put on machines would say that was overheating over here, you know, you’d see like a genius walking down and just like pointing to things and but you don’t need to actually stop and talk to people. So that job would change greatly.

I think we talked a little bit about sales and retail Do you have?

Jon Carmine 31:37

Yeah, so I think you’re one of the examples we were kind of like talking about is when

you know, you’re looking, you’re looking at objects, ordering data ordering something like it, or if you’re repairing something,

maybe ordering parts, or like user manuals will change. Yeah, we know. Yeah, it’s 3d printing, with 3d printing, the combination of like AR and 3d printing could really change the way that we fix things or build things.

David Waterman 32:07

And so if I was in sales, and retail right, now, I’d want to start doing some 3d rendering. Is that a good place to start? Because it’s, you’re gonna need them eventually.

Jon Carmine 32:16

Yeah, I think that when we’re thinking about

what the future for AR brings, there’s still a lot of unknown, while we kind of wait for there to be some sort of device that really fits the human body kind of, like we talked about earlier, that’s wearable, that’s easy to integrate, that is an extra add on, like the phone

that fits with the body better, like the glasses for this to like really take off. And it’s I mean, then it’s gonna go unbelievably crazy. But in terms of like, what you can kind of do now, if you want to get involved with the augmented reality, you’re going to need 3d renderings of your products of your devices. This way, you can kind of start to integrate them. So you can use that now for placing objects showing objects on on customers or putting them in a space. And there are ways to use it. But it does definitely start with with some sort of 3d rendering in some capacity.

David Waterman 33:19

It some groups, I’m just thinking of a friend of mine who’s designs and sells paintball guns, which is kind of an interesting, everything’s done on CAD and 3d. So in a way when they manufacture a new gun, or, or helmet or anything, it’s all 3d Anyway, and it would be easy for them to transition into this, it’d be super easy right thing or is it?

Jon Carmine 33:41

Yeah, yeah, I’m sure there are ways to do that. There are companies that like are just dedicated to 3d renderings now.

I’m sure they use like a ton of different programs, the CGI and the 3d renderings versus the photography ones are different and they look different for sure.

Well, I mean, we’re gonna see all sorts of industries change, as we kind of like, go forward, the medical industry is going to be revolutionized the to gym. Yeah, even the way people play games and sports. You know, you and I talked about, like, capture the flag. What does that look like with augmented reality and

David Waterman 34:18

dodgeball, right? We were saying that.

I just be afraid my glasses would fall and I’d step on them. No, I think you’re right. I mean, it’s going to be a wild future. I can’t wait to see what actually happens. Yeah. And if you want to get involved now, start with the 3d renderings.

Jon Carmine 34:34

And see what happens

David Waterman 34:36

and play with some apps. I recommend everybody at least try it. Play with it.